Michael F. After hearing about this product on one of my podcast feeds, and watching a video review on youtube, I was excited to buy this product as I was in the market for a new 'megadungeon' to spring on my players.
We were playing 5th edition and this product [ Christopher B. BarrowMaze offers a massive amount of clever and creative content that will keep a gaming group engaged for years. The guide is comprehensive and offers a lot of detailed guidance while still giving the GM the room to adapt and change as necessary wit [ Daniel W. I want to preface this review by saying that this is not intended to be a critique of the original megadungeon, written by Greg Gillespie, which from what I hear is an exellent product.
See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories. Wolfenoot Sale. Rule System. Apocalypse World Engine. BRP Basic Roleplaying. Modiphius 2d Savage Worlds. Product Type. Core Rulebooks. Non-Core Books. Other Tabletop Games. Gift Certificates.
Publisher Resources. Family Gaming. Science Fiction. Phone PDF. Virtual Tabletops. STL 3D Model. Greg Gillespie. Pay What You Want. See all titles. Publisher Website.
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Mon Luffy. ONG vs. March 28, Abe Puntual. Sridhar Katta. Barrowmaze Complete for 5e PDF set. Bxrrowmaze will also develop an original full page illustration of your gaming group in HighFell with your choice of artist: Local villagers whisper of a mysterious place deep in the marsh barfowmaze a place shrouded in mist and dotted with barrow mounds, ruined columns, and standing stones.
Always a good idea for players entering Barrowmaze! You can read widely about Barrowmaze complfte the internet or on rpgnow. This piece of art was beautifully and tastefully framed and is available as an exclusive reward level.
It is great for a short adventure but with enough content for years of gaming! The tomb-robbers who explore beneath the mounds — or rather barroowmaze few who return — tell tales of labyrinthine passages, magnificent grave goods, and terrifying creatures waiting in the dark. Barrowmaze Complete for 5e. Apr 28, — May 23, 25 days. Sep 21, — Oct ckmplete, 28 days. There are frequent calls for excavation, or smashing through bricked up walls, to reach the hidden room beyond; much of the treasure is interred in burial catacombs niches carved into the walls, which require careful searching.
Erol has already agreed to illustrate the cover for HighFell. Like my other projects HighFell will be detailed, provide depth of copmlete, have old school charm, and be super fun for your gaming group. I have afforded myself a manageable writing and play-testing schedule with a shipping date of June However, as with any manufacturing process, things can go wrong.
Adventurers and dungeon explorers began making the dangerous trek up the mountain in search of arcane lore and complette treasures. HighFell pulled away from the mountain and now slowly drifts — and occasionally phases in and out of place — over the Great Steppe of The Northern Reaches. PDFs for this pledge level will also be delivered via rpgnow. Designed by Barrowmaze author Greg Gillespie. The light slowly intensified until a great explosion rocked the Dwimmerhorn.
Cory Hamel and Peter Pagano have created some fantastic preliminary illustrations to give you an idea of the aesthetic we have in mind for a few of the monsters. This new megadungeon adventure is designed to support a medieval fantasy campaign lasting months and years.
No matter what problems occur we will always keep our backers and supporters informed of any issues that compete so you will be aware of the situation and how we will be handling it. Time is always a factor. CheckTerrifying Monsters? Learn more about accountability. Kickstarter is not a store. With projects like this there is nearly always something that costs more, so it makes business sense to have contingencies for this. Note that you will need to pay print and shipping costs when you choose to get the print book.
We will also develop an original full barromwaze illustration of your gaming group in HighFell with your choice of artist: Support Select this reward.