Explore features. More from chrome Discover more tools and resources. For enterprises Keep people and data secure with seamless updates and intuitive policy enforcement. Go to Chrome Enterprise. For developers Develop websites for the next version of the open web with Chrome for developers. Go to Chrome Dev. For early adopters Preview upcoming Chrome features before they are released with Chrome Beta.
Go to Chrome Beta. For explorers Get on the bleeding edge of the web and get nightly updates with Chrome Canary. Go to Chrome Canary. In some instances, Previews may even inadvertently damage your device rendering it inoperable or cause occasional crashes, data loss or apps to stop working or be deleted. To recover, you may have to reinstall your apps, the operating system or re-flash your device. In some instances, you may not be able to go back to your prior version of the Software.
Because Previews may contain more errors or inaccuracies, you should back-up your device before installing any Previews. We recommend installing Previews on non-production devices that are not business critical because you are more likely to experience crashes, setting and policy changes, loss of data or apps, feature and functionality changes, cause other apps to stop working, be updated, or removed from your device automatically without notice and other potential issues.
Microsoft may not provide support services for Previews. You will not give a Submission that is subject to a license that requires Microsoft to license its Software or documentation to third parties because Microsoft includes your Submission in them. These rights survive this agreement.
Microsoft may change or discontinue the Previews, or terminate your access to the Previews, at any time without notice and for any reason whatsoever. You may stop using the Previews at any time by un-installing and deleting all copies of any Previews.
Data Collection for Previews. Previews may not have included, reduced, or different security, privacy, accessibility, availability and relatability standards relative to commercially provided services and software. For Previews covered under Section 1. Data collected from your use of the Previews, including diagnostic, technical, error reports, crash dumps and other related data from your devices running Previews may be used, stored, processed and analyzed to keep Windows and the Previews up to date, secure, and operating properly.
It also helps us improve Microsoft products and services and may be used for any other purpose described in the Microsoft Privacy Statement. Other Services. Your use of Other Services or of Software features that rely on Other Services may be governed by separate terms and subject to separate privacy policies. The Other Services may not be available in all regions. You may not use tokens the Software uses to call into a Microsoft Azure service separate from the Software.
Installation and Use Rights. For installation and use of the Software on any non-Windows platform, including but not limited to macOS and Linux, you may install and use one copy of the Software on any device running such non-Windows platform.
Third Party Software. The Software may include third party software that is licensed to you under this agreement or under their own terms or under open source licenses with source code availability options. Even if such software is governed by other agreements, the disclaimer, limitations on, and exclusions of damages below also apply to the extent allowed by applicable law.
For Previews covered under Section 2. Data collected from your use of Previews, including diagnostic, technical, error reports, crash dumps and other related data from your devices running Previews may be used, stored, processed and analyzed to keep the Previews up to date, secure, and operating properly.
Communications with You. Microsoft may use your contact information i to communicate with you about your use of the Software, and ii to provide you with additional information, about the Software and other Microsoft products or services.
This contact may be by email, SMS, instant message, web chat, phone, in the user interface, or other means, and may include offers. You can always choose whether you wish to receive promotional email, SMS messages, telephone calls and postal mail from Microsoft.
Is my Chrome update to date? This post teaches you how to check if your Google Chrome browser is up to date and how to update it if it is not the latest version.
Need more assistance with Chrome? Explore our help center to learn more about updates and other ways to use Chrome. There may be a community-supported version for your distribution here. Note: Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will automatically keep Google Chrome up to date.
The device you have runs on Chrome OS, which already has Chrome browser built-in. Learn more about automatic updates. Please type an email. Please type a Name.
I want more news and awesome tips. WizCase Downloads Google Chrome. Our Reviews WizCase includes reviews written by our experts. Referral fees Wizcase may earn an affiliate commission when a purchase is made using our links. Written by: Chase Williams. After the extension installs, an icon will be added to your toolbar.