To help you out we highly recommend either Bluestacks or Andy, both of them are undoubtedly compatible with MAC and windows operating system. We inform you to very first know the suggested System specifications to install the Android emulator on PC then install only if your PC fulfills the suggested System requirements of the emulator.
Ultimately, you are going to install the emulator that will take few minutes only. Simply click listed below download option to begin with downloading the Animoto Video Maker.
Click on the download icon that can be found on any exported video or when you hover over a finished video from your My Videos page. The default video quality that is available to all users on any Animoto subscription plan is p. Customers using a paid Animoto plan will also see their videos upgraded to HD p. To learn more, visit our pricing page. As you get started making videos, we're here to help along the way!
Our team of video experts is ready to help you grow with tips, ideas, inspiration, and feedback on your videos. All Rights Reserved. Easy video maker. Unlimited video creation. Free downloads and sharing. Get Started Free. Imagine it. Create it. Head to your desktop or laptop computer to get the full power of Animoto.
Take Animoto with you to create professional social videos in minutes and easily share to Instagram, Facebook, and more — anytime, anywhere. What can I do with my free Animoto account? Download your videos to your computer or share to social from your free Animoto account. Imagine it. Create it. Showcase a product or service with a short, punchy video.