When Amazon delivers the file to you, it will have been converted to whatever kind of file your Kindle supports. If your Kindle is anything like recent that will be an. Now connect your Kindle to your computer with a USB cable, then open the Documents folder and find the version Amazon sent you. Copy that to your computer. There you go. Now you can offer your readers both. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
This is like thinking that the reason you never see elephants hiding up in treetops is because they're good at it.
He knew how to whip a mob up into a frenzy, but he wasn't clever enough to use them effectively. He failed. Good Reading:. Bradley W. Schenck Work History Published Work. An easy way to build smaller. Leave a Reply. Hi there, According to your description, the processing is correct and I just tested this process again and my book has been added to the books of kindle fire successfully. Hi, nothing i have tried is working for me. Also i want to be able to send them through email and not have to connect my device or a USB.
Has anyone got this to work with keeping the books on an SD card for the Fire 10 latest generation? Here is all that I have tried and none work to get the book into the Books Library. Saved to SD Card. Opened file on SD Card. Copied to Documents. Copied to Books. Send to sends to the kindle mail but it still only shows up in Documents not in the Books Library. Create a new collection, give it a name, either do this on the Fire itself or within the Amazon 'contents and devices' page in your account.
Might be easier for you, as you can then all your docs in one go? I did. So leave that book in there!!! Now, if anyone can tell me how to create a sub folder within that collection I'll be very, VERY happy! I missed a step - sorry Okay, so make the new collection I absolutely hate how Amazon has neutered doc support in new versions of Fire OS.
This little trick solves so many issues!! After adding docs to a collection, I can not only sync reading progress again, but also search for my personal docs in the main search bar but not the search within 'Books'. So I will just never use the Docs app. I was going to get rid of this Fire HD 10 and just keep using my HDX, but now the personal docs support is good enough.
This didn't work for me, but I did at least manage to get my books to show up on my Kindle Fire HD 8. No matter what format I converted to, my books wouldn't show on the tablet when copied to to Books folder. Occasionally one or two would show, but it took multiple tries. I followed the directions here, but it still didn't work. Eventually I tried copying to the Documents folder out of desperation. Worked like a charm and all titles added appeared in seconds! The books show up under the Books tab, show in my library, and open in the Kindle reading app without and issue.
All my progress in them is saved as well. But now you simply choose the file in calibre and hit the send to device buttom. The file appeared in my library after 2 seconds. Perhaps this is stated above and I just missed it. Now to figure out how to get it to show up as a "shareable" option for my Daughter's "Freetime" account!
Pro Tips: 1. Re:How to make mobi files display as books on Kindle Fire. Amazon has changed things. Hi Chad, Thank you very much for pointing this out, I am going to add this into the article and with your credit! I tried the [ebok] and it still went to docs Trying to send to 5th Gen Fire. Converted mob to epub, deleted mobi, converted epub to mobi with [EBOK] tag.
I'm stuck. Having similar issues. Thanks for your help I can confirm what Tim said here - converting to AZW3 did the trick! Showed up in Books right away! I've been sideloading books to a Kindle for over a year.
I started using a 5th gen in January, with no problems with Calibre. All of a sudden about 2 weeks ago, all books go to my documents folder on the Kindle. Now nothing works. Anyone have any help? So, I've gone through every iteration of this that I could. It seems this does not work. If you do it by email. The Kindle email response literally states that it was sent to Documents on all accounts. But, this then means I have to do it manually for each device, as it won't be in the cloud.
However, it seems that the problem of book vs doc doesn't exist as much on the eInk readers. Hello, I've gone through everything here with no solution. This was the only thing that worked for me, thanks! So many hours spent toiling over this stinking thing Thank you for your comments. We are glad to know that your problem has been fixed.
Have a nice day! I worked for over an hour trying every method posted online to get a mobi file that was only showing up as a Document to show up as a Book in the Kindle app on an Amazon Fire HD8 without success.
Used Calibre to convert the file, saved it to the Documents folder on the Fire and presto! The book finally appeared, with its proper cover image no less, in the Book list. Thank you!
Launch the Kindle desktop application. Launch iTunes, if it doesn't automatically launch. Click on your iOS Device on the left sidebar. Click the Apps tab at the top of the iTunes window. Scroll down to the File Sharing section on the Apps tab. Click on Kindle in the Apps list. Click the "Add Sync your iOS Device.