Spring boot rest client document. Your email address will not be published. Was this post helpful? Let us know if you liked the post. Yes No Tags: spring-boot , spring-boot-resttemplate. Here I will create Spring Boot application as it reduces our most of the efforts in project configurations. Java at least 8, Gradle 6.
As a prerequisite I have to first setup the project environment so that I would be able to write the required code for downloading file into server and save the file anywhere on a physical location in your system. Create below build. I have also specified the JDK version I will be using for our application. File download example using Spring REST Controller does not many dependencies and you need to add only spring boot started web for downloading a file.
I am creating below application. I do not need to create any datasource explicitly as I am using the standard naming conventions for database configurations and Spring Boot will automatically create one for us. Create below entity class that maps to database table. Our entity class has only three fields employee id, employee first name and employee last name.
I am creating entity class because I want to create a file from our database record and finally download the file using Spring REST service. You can build any type of file, such as excel file, csv file etc. So create below Spring Data JPA Repository which provides most of our built-in methods to query database for fetching data. I fetch all employees from the database using the below service layer code.
There's no need to create the table manually as I have set up spring. It will fire the DDL command when the application starts to create a table according to the Entity class defined in Java.
Create a repository interface for the above entity to get built-in CRUD operations method support. Add our own new method to check whether a particular file is present for that user or not.
Create a Service class to store and download files on the server, and to store information in the database. Here I have used a few more new classes which I will be explaining in a later section of this article, so if you get any compilation issues, ignore them for the moment.
There are two important methods in the Service class; one is storeFile , which will store the file at the required location and save the file details in the database. Best Way to Learn Java. How to Start New Blog. Spring REST. Maven dependency Apart from spring webmvc, we will need commons-fileupload and commons-io in classpath. File; import java. FileOutputStream; import java.
IOException; import java. InputStream; import java. OutputStream; import java. URI; import java. Callable; import org. Autowired; import org. Value; import org.