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Be warned that a party member you'll meet later in Ludd does not like Wizards. Familiars can be acquired starting in Lost Heir 2. Nature Guide- Requires 30 Nature. But you can also unlock two new Classes with this option by demonstrating your Magic or Archery to a client and passing a stat test. Note that if you want to become a Druid or Ranger, you need to start on the path now.

You won't have the chance in later games. Druid- Requires Nature Guide and 30 Magic. This can come from pre-existing study, a Priest Level may also help.

The game advises you to stay neutral as a Druid if you have above 60 Good or Evil, but this is actually not necessary it was in the author's previous title Life of a Wizard, but it is not in Lost Heir. Druids have great Magic and many special abilities at higher levels, just be sure to have a good pre- existing combat Class for when Magic won't work Monk and Assassin have worked well for me.

You can get Animal Companions starting in Lost Heir 2. The bonuses here will improve with the second game's Class Levels. You should have pretty good stats already. There are long term bonuses to both staying in the same class and multi-classing, some of which were discussed above. Demon Summoning- If you are not a Demon Summoner, skip the next two paragrapghs. You can also practice some Demon Summoning in Ludd after your second Class Level, there are some benefits to it here. The game code shows that a Sage Level can translate any Demon Stones you haven't read already for free, but Sages should already have the Stats for that anyway with 40 Arcana.

You can also pay a Sage to translate the Stones for you Gold for Zon'ch, 50 for Brahl, 20 for Xi'atta but you should be able to read his Stone on your own, for Gold you can ask the Sage about the unglowing Stone but he knows nothing and gives back your money. The latter is recommended if you want to be a Demon Summoner with low Arcana.

That means you'll have Willpower total. With this, you can Summon and command Xi'atta and Zon'ch if you know the latter's name. Make sure you take control of them now if you want them available later Zon'ch starts getting bonus uses in the next Act, and Xi'atta also has one.

Brahl still can't be mastered, but you can Summon him for a free Dagger if you don't already have one. Zon'ch will not yet be fully under your power even with 40 Willpower, but at least you can command him. After acquiring your new Class Level, you again meet T at the Tavern.

They have the Plot Box open now, if you didn't already open it. Responses 1 and 3 are neutral, but 2 is special. Make that response and if T Relations are above 50, the game checks if T is your attracted gender.

They still kiss you if you pass the Attributes test, you just lose 10 Relations before they try. With 2, you get more options- 1 starts or maintains a partial Romance. Response 3 moves on with T Relations big insult, Romance breakup and 4 just moves on.

The best way to start a partial Romance here and get the Childhood Friend Resume Romance Charm bonus later if you want it , if you have low Relations, is to give Response 2 twice, then response 1. Tell Thea you like them, then take it forward or break it off later as you prefer. After the kiss or not event, T introduces your new adventuring companions. J is joining the party no matter what you say, but you can determine how awkward their presence is.

Note that your J Relations start at 40 due to their negative expectations of you- if you want to be friends with them, get all the bonuses you can. After meeting J, the fourth member of your party turns out to be a familiar face- your childhood friend P, now a Cleric, or G, now a Thief!

Your old friend hugs you upon seeing you. Some special events now occur. First, if P is present, they will express dislike towards J. Being Neutral gets you no bonuses. If you have G instead, the conversation moves forward. J leaves at this point. T leaves after any of the above situations is resolved. You can now talk to P or G alone. If they are your attracted gender, you can kiss them here. After they leave, you are next faced with a potential sidequest depending on your Class.

Assassin- The local Assassin Guild gives you a contract if you want one. Using a Demon for distraction is possible if you are a Summoner, but gives no bonuses.

You can follow him home too. Completing the contract earns 50 Gold, backing out at any point earns nothing. Squire- You witness a brutal jousting match, and the loser wants to give up their Horse.

Keeping the Horse is the best long term benefit. Bard- Accept the first job offer and you get a second one. You can earn 50 Gold if you complete this job as the client requests or nada if you don't. Thief- You have a chance to heist a rich merchant, but are caught by him and his thugs. He gives you a chance to work for him instead.

You can keep this Dagger it has special bonuses later or sell it to the Merchant for Gold. Keeping the Dagger or not opening the safe means you doublecross the merchant, but that has no consequences. Monk- You witness a more experienced Monk using Ki to escape a road accident. They then speak to you.

I find Options 2 or 3 the best long term benefits here- you can make up the Perception loss later for 3, especially if you are Partners with T and get the bonus Artifact for that.

Priest- An old woman asks you to perform a wake for her dying husband. Do so to gain a strange amulet. Evil Priests only get the Arcana bonus.

The Amulet has later benefits in bonus P Relations and a potential sidequest if you go to Tornassa at the end of LH1 and then continue with the same character in LH2. You just need one Level in the appropriate Class for any of the above sidequests. After you complete it, you get an additional event if you are fully Romancing both T and G. You have the chance to let one or both of your Romances down easy here -5 Relations, break off Romance , or try to keep both Romances going the game warns you this will require high Charm and it ain't kidding, you'll also have to break off at least one Romance eventually.

If you don't get this event, the game just moves ahead. The event is not possible with P instead of G because due to character quirks a full Romance with P is not yet possible. You will thus have a potential bad breakup with P later but T still gives you a few chances to let them down easy. How bad a breakup with G goes depends on when you do it and your Charm. If you are dating both T and G, but ultimately want to just keep one of them, it may be best to let the other down easy at this point.

Now you get another chance to shop before you leave Ludd. All the usual Stores are also available. If you don't get a Horse, T buys you a Mule named Lump. You also get another chance to buy a Horse instead. There are several random names for Horses, or you can name them yourself. After you get a Mount or not , it's time for Act 5. Pass a 40 Stealth check and you can get Gold instead. After deciding what to do with your evenings, you can explore up to 3 dialogue trees with your companions.

I recommend completing them all for bonus Relations and backstory side events, plus Romancing, before you move on. You can only do each tree once, though, so be careful about the events you complete if you want good Companion Relations, Romance, and full backstory events unlocked later. P or G's conversation gives free dialogue about fighting back against Zusak with flavor choices. Saying nothing gets nothing.

Saying you are a Demon Summoner is supposed to put in Relations penalties per the game script, but that did not happen in my playthrus. Romancing P here presents some challenges. If you pass this check, the game will then check your Stats vs. P's preferred type 55 Charm or 60 Good and start a full Romance if you pass only a partial Romance was possible before now.

If you're also Romancing T, they notice the gift and take issue. Break up with them here for T Relations easier letdown opportunity comes later , say nothing for T Relations, or attempt to explain it meant nothing 45 Charm check, T Relations if you fail but at least Romance keeps going either way.

You can also enter P's tent during the night- pass a 70 Relations here failure means Relations and you get a chance to talk to them more, there is a Relations penalty for this, however, and Response 1 also downgrades your Romance from full back to partial.

Backing out costs nothing. Giving flowers, then staying out of the Tent as they will warn you is best for Romancing P. If G is present instead of P, Romancing them is slightly different. T will still take issue with the gift as above if you are Romancing T also. Entering G's Tent means a 70 Relations check, success means they throw you out, but a partial Romance starts if you didn't kiss them previously.

Failure means reduced Relations. If you kissed G before and enter their tent now, they welcome you in and a full Romance is maintained. Attempting sex "Remove your clothes" means you need to pass a 50 Charm check to continue your advances.

You can also back out with no penalty. Failure of the check means you lose G Relations and break up with them. The best choice here is to just kiss G if you want an easy let down with T later, or if you want to go full on with G, get the Charm bonuses, and don't mind possibly hurting T, go all the way.

Romance with T is awkward here. You need an existing full Romance for them to accept the gift of flowers and it provides no bonus Relations. No Romance, they drop it. Partial Romance, the game checks whether you have 50 Relations, and T still won't accept the gift even if you pass.

They're not the type of person to like flowers. Entering T's tent means they push you out at below 70 Relations -5 Relations, Romance downgrade, Relations if no Romance. Fail, and you get -5 Relations, but the Romance can still start if T Relations are above Partial Romance, no event.

You are destined to hurt P or G if you attempt to Romance them but ultimately stay with T past this point. If you attempt to sleep with T here "Remove your clothes" , they will only go through with it if you have a full Romance. If it's partial, they warn you to slow down, then break up with you at Relations if you continue if you're also Romancing P or G, they witness this and also break up with you at Relations. But you can stop for no penalty with T and the "kissing" event with G or P as above.

Or the game may give you a pass and leave you only Romancing T. Backing out of the tent means a T Relations penalty and may make later Romance difficult. You can not Romance J here, but you can attempt it. Giving them flowers prompts a 50 Relations check- failure means rejection now, but the Romance might still start later.

There is no penalty to other existing Romances. If you enter J's tent during the night, they automatically throw you out at Relations. Recommendations for Romance- give the flowers if you can, but stay out of their tent! After you continue past the optional dialogue trees, you get a social challenge depending on whether you have P or G with you.

For G, they steal T's ring and J thinks they might have done it, but doesn't really care. Saying nothing earns you G Relations. Take care to avoid dropping your G and T Relations below 80 here, or you will fail their backstory events later. Romance helps keep Relations high.

If you get P's event, J magically swats a wasp before it can sting P, who accuses J of hexing them. It is best to support J here if you're interested in being their friend or Romance. It is still possible to Romance J while mocking P though if you apologize , or Romance P while mocking P again make sure to apologize or supporting J. Just be sure to get enough other Relations bonuses. T is only at risk if you mock P. After the social kerfluffle, you face a Quicksand obstacle.

Fall into the quicksand and you can struggle out of the obstacle with 40 Strength or a Level 3 Mount. Failure at both of these checks means you lose your sleeping roll- and your sword if you have one. After the Quicksand event, you arrive at the Stronghold and find it is protected by 6 Enemy Guards.

There are several ways past them and you need to beat them for full bonus rewards from this quest. Here are the possible strategies. Charging at the enemy means straight combat starts see next paragraph.

You can also attempt a long range attack beforehand. Less, and the Cloud damages you for Health. After any of this, the fight against the remaining guards starts as below. If you fight these Guards, you will be facing between 3 and 6 depending on how many you took out before the fight see above and below for strategies that kill Guards before the fight.

On the first round, you can grab a fallen enemy's sword as a free action if at least one enemy is dead, but you need to have 40 Agility to avoid Health damage. This helps you if you lost your sword to the quicksand earlier. You can also flee see below , or watch your companions fight. I'll cover the second round below after discussing some other possible strategies.

Listening to the enemy before you fight is free and prompts an additonal strategy for beating them- using poison. You will need 30 Stealth to get close to the camp and 40 Nature to mix the right substance.

Failure at this means you start the fight as above. Running past the enemy means you can enter the Ruins now- see below. This means you can kill up to 2 of the Guards and evade the rest till later see below. It is a risky but possible strategy. Waiting for night is also risky. It means you can later sneak close to the enemy camp, alone or with your companions, but you have to deal with a Demon Sentry they have protecting their camp.

You can also have G go in alone if they're present- this kills the Demon for free and you get into the Stronghold as below. However you will still need to deal with all 6 Guards when you come out. Sneaking to the camp alone or with G only is best- the latter is possible if G is present instead of P. You will then be faced with the Demon Sentry if you can spot it requires 40 Perception, but you can still get close with 30 Stealth, failure at both of these checks means it sees you first, gives alarm, and combat begins as above.

If you see the Demon or can sneak close to it, see the below paragraph for how to deal with it. Taking out the Demon Sentry before it gives alarm is possible with 30 Stealth or 40 Perception as above. You can tie it up for free if you have Rope, but this will cost you your Rope and make you have to buy more later. If you set off an alarm, start the fight as above. Otherwise you can deal with the remaining enemies before entering the Ruins using a Stealth method see below or just enter the Ruins now and deal with the enemy when you come out see below, this is a bad idea.

Fail the 30 Charm check, and you have to fight now or back away go back to start of encounter where you can spy, charge, run, wait, or attack from a distance. Stealth methods are possible here if you can either take out the Sentry Demon see above or Charm the enemies to share their camp.

Failure means the fight begins as above. You can also try to murder all the sleeping guards if you have a Sword or Dagger- this is risky. If P is with you, they ruin everything and you lose -5 P Relations. Then you start the fight as above. If you are using a Dagger instead, you kill 1 Guard, and 1 more if G is with you. Then you need to pass a 50 Stealth Check- failure earns 15 Evil and starts the fight as above, the remaining guards wake up before you can kill them.

Then you fight the remaining 2 as though you were on the second round of the fight with all 6. If you fight the Guards and it gets to a second round with at least 2 still active, J will kill one automatically on the second round. If that drops your foes to only 1 enemy left, he flees and either gets away if you have P or is killed by G.

If 2 or more enemies are left after a second round, you have a problem now- One of them Summons a Fire Demon! The Fire Demon will attack you and J. Hopefully, you somehow survive to Round 3.

Now, you need to deal with Guards and the Fire Demon. You can get a Sword here with 40 Agility or Health damage as before. Then you can flee into the Stronghold or attack the enemies. Summoning Zon'ch does not help, nor does standing back. If you can get the enemy down to one Guard here, they flee as above.

On the next round, G kills 1 enemy automatically if they're present. This also prompts the Fire Demon to vanish. If there is 1 Guard left now, they flee as above. More, and they will chase you into the Ruins as T gets wounded see below. If you can kill all the enemies outside the Ruins, you will get the chance to pick up a Sword if you lost it at any point or didn't have one before now, plus 62 Gold.

You can also get your Dagger back if you lost it on the last round. You can then enter the Ruins unopposed. If you enter the Ruins opposed at least 2 enemies in pursuit , there are some options. You can then get a free Sword if they were the last two. If you fail to evade or kill the Guards inside the Ruins as above, one of them traps your party in a pit.

G or T will get you out if you fail these checks, but you'll still have an enemy ambush to deal with later see below. Falling unconscious at any point in this encounter means you wake up inside the Ruins. T is injured, and you have either 25 Health if P is with you or 10 if G is there. You can Heal yourself for an additional 25 Health if you are a Priest. You now face your first Ruins encounter. A large Demon statue is before you.

To advance the plot, try to pry the Stone loose. The Stronghold's Guardian Demon attacks! This blob creature is too big to fight, it must be evaded. You can try to take the Tyborr Stone with you, but this will incur Health damage if you lack 60 Strength or an uninjured T to help you pry it loose.

After you get the Tyborr Stone, or leave it behind, you are in an antechamber. Help T ransack the chamber for treasure, but you will need Health to get the extra rewards here extra Gold and a potential Artifact if you are T's partner in financing the expedition. T will also grab a Demon Stone called Daan'da here if you didn't get Tyborr. After getting treasure here or not, you flee the Ruins. If you didn't kill all the enemy Guards before this point, you get ambushed by them here.

You face enemies. If the ambush fight proceeds to a second round, you will take Health damage if 5 or 6 enemies are still up, and then get surrounded.

The fight then proceeds to Round 3 see below. If you are lucky enough to only have 3 or 4 enemies at this point, the fight is more even. You take Health damage, then it proceeds to Round 3. You can either jump at the enemies as the lightning hits you Health damage, but if you don't die, all the enemies are defeated , try to run damage, but your companions kill 2 Guards , try to use a weapon useless , or try to strangle an enemy same as jumping at them.

The Demon leaves at the end of this round. Fourth round, you'll have Guards left. Only 1 will flee, more means they keep fighting. Failure at any of this loses you Health. T will kill 1 enemy at the end of the round and you earn a potential free Sword but nothing else. If you fall unconscious during the ambush or fail to help T kill the remaining enemies on the last round, you will lose your bonus treasure from the Ruins as J takes out the enemy with a Limit Break, but at least you survive.

Hopefully you got out of this encounter with good loot- plan your strategy carefully. After you escape the Ruins, it is time to start the next Act. Act 6- Winter You now must spend the winter in Elmvale divvying up your loot if any from the previous Act, connecting with your companions, and doing other things.

You regain Full Health if you took any injury in the previous Act and decide to tell your companions who you really are before you begin the Act. The first event prompts you to seek lodging from your foster parent. Whatever your response, the plot proceeds.

You get some flavor text depending on whether or not you were T's partner in financing the quest. You then get a chance to rest in your old room, and possibly invite a companion to join you if they are your attracted gender. Inviting T prompts a check of 80 Relations. If you were Romancing P or G, they breakup with you at a cost of Relations. Fail the check, T breaks up with you if any Romance existed and you lose T Relations- you also lose P or G Relations and incur breakup if you were Romancing them.

Then you proceed to the morning after. If you were Romancing T earlier, they will break up with you at Relations here. You then get the same choices to sleep with P or G as above. If you kick them out, you earn a breakup and Relations. If you slept with them before but reject them now possible with G but not P , you earn a breakup and Relations. It is possible to invite J to your room also. Inviting J in and of itself prompts a 60 J Relations check. It still starts a partial Romance, though.

Fail, you incur J Relations and must go to your room alone. First, T will barge into your room if you have at least a partial Romance with them and ask if you want to keep it going.

Say yes, and you get the chance to sleep with them as above but P or G sees you accept T if you were fully Romancing them also and breaks up with you at Relations! Or say no for Relations, this is a good point to let T down easy if you don't want them as lover past this point.

G or P comes into the room right after T leaves if you have Romance with them, provided it was a full Romance. You can then choose to sleep with them, ask them to wait, or reject them as above. Romancing K before, and sleeping with someone else now also prompts an awkward scene the next morning when K comes to visit. K will kiss you, and returning it prompts a breakup with both your would-be lovers at Relations, the worst possible breakup in the game.

You can reject K here for just a breakup with them same Relations penalty , or stand awkwardly P or G still breaks up with you along with K, same penalty, T does not break up with you but you still suffer K Relations loss. Embrace K, and if you invited J to your room earlier, they will break things off with you at Relations this locks out further Romance with J and friendship too unless you are hacking your game stats. Last edited by Mimikat ; 1 Feb, pm. Last edited by tathen ; 2 Feb, pm.

Synasysm View Profile View Posts. Last edited by Synasysm ; 7 Feb, pm. Originally posted by aoigami :.

Originally posted by synasysm :. Originally posted by SpectatorBehold :. For the 2nd book, checkout the same savegame folder - the files are just renamed - storePSlostheir2PSstate. Editing stopped working! Then I edited it and it crashed it. I uninstalled and deleted all files, started a new game, then did something simple like adding 10 gold or 5 agility. When I'm online with steam it immedial gives me a :Json Parse Error: Expected" error and requires me to restart the game. When I'm in offline mode, it just restarts it.

I copyed the unedited save back to the file and it works fine. I could edit a few ours ago, but now kills the game. Any Ideas? My test was to see any file modification date changes and since both of those files seemed to have the same time, I looked for an easy value to change on both and did so relatively quickly so that Date Modified wouldn't be different in terms of time.

So far my game isn't crashing, nor have I experienced anything weird. I'll see if I can load up book two after I finish this experiment. The part I'm currently at to do the changes is choosing the gender of the fletcher's child. Those two are mutually exclusive and can't exist in the same game, but everyone else can. You need a seriously good alignment or high charisma to get their attention.

Nice, simple, values physical strength, does not care about moral alignment. For this reason they seem to be more inclined to trust evil aligned characters or people with high charisma. I forgot about them honestly, they're a different childhood friend and the first person you can properly date.

No real qualifications. Only in later games because the personal quest is something you can do at the start of LH2. If you want to do them you must keep pressing on their personal issues, ie asking all their dialogue.

Note most of these quests can lead to a specialized class in LH3. The leveling system in this game is kind of insane. The chief classes all have 5 over the course of 3 games, and the 3rd one regularly rewards you for sticking with one of them till max.

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