Examples of subscriptions include access to online magazines and music streaming services. The Google Play Console offers a lot of flexibility when creating subscription products.
As examples, you can set the billing period, offer a free trial, offer an introductory price, provide grace periods when payment fails, and allow users to pause their subscriptions as an alternative to canceling. For more information and a complete list of subscription features, see Implement subscription-specific features. To start integrating Google Play's billing system with your app, see Getting ready. For more information about integrating Google Play's billing system into your app, see the following topics:.
Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Google Play. Google Play's billing system. Additional guides. Deprecated content. Sendo agora no meio digital!! Bem esse e o meu comentario!! Nao adianta muito se temos ainda muitissimos problemas, principalmente com a internet nao sendo muito boa em boa parte do pais!! Paulo 9 de novembro de Unknown 9 de novembro de Unknown 20 de novembro de Alex 26 de novembro de Unknown 19 de julho de Carregar mais Tweets de TVsdoRJ.
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