My boyfriend bought this for me and sent me the PDF, which is the only way to access it. I liked it a lot, going in without expecting too much because I knew it was just a few short essays. I felt myself wanting slightly more, but that is because I enjoy analyzing television shows and this was more of a discussion about either specific episodes or characters rather than any analyzing, which is just fine really.
The Offic I think it is pretty obvious that only fans of The Office would enjoy this. The Office probably shouldn't be a show I read too much into even though I totally still do.
I did find myself tearing up a bit during the "Pam's Art Show" essay, but I think that's because that episode is so emotional to me already and talking about it or watching it makes me cry. I docked a star because I don't think I'm the biggest list person, and Serrano definitely is. Jul 25, Andrew Nguyen rated it really liked it.
This collection of essays lands somewhere north of average. On the other end of the spectrum, there are in depth pieces on specific episodes like The Art Show. I think this piece is also really good.
I really appreciate when a critic is able to point out subtle things an actress does. Aug 17, Jackie Mancini rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction. I was supposed to be learning about Secured Transactions for the bar exam and instead I spent 2 hours reading this, which I think was honestly the right call.
Aug 04, Kevin rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fic , humor , s , film-tv. Witty, fascinating, strangely prescient. A must-read for fans of the Office. Mar 17, Renz Celeridad rated it it was amazing. When you want to binge-watch The Office and you don't know which episode to choose, open CRFM, and go to a random page number. Shea Serrano has a knack for retelling stories in a much funnier and more engaging way. This is the second time I've read a Shea Serrano book The first one is Basketball [And Other Things] , and as expected, he was able to think about something in a very different yet so familiar manner.
He basically replayed the most memorable moments a When you want to binge-watch The Office and you don't know which episode to choose, open CRFM, and go to a random page number. He basically replayed the most memorable moments and those moments that you've probably forgotten. The difference though is that Shea didn't just tell the story again.
He inserted his witty remarks here and there the same way Michael Scott is able to insert "That's what she said" in the conversation. He set criteria, which you will probably agree with. He had also a thought exercise where he reimagined The Office characters as characters in a heist movie. There's also a scouting report about the warehouse basketball game, like, how was he able to write 3, words about this scene???
The best essay for me is the one he called the nerdiest in the book. It's the part where he rationalized the office setup of The Office, i. My second favorite essay is his breakdown of Pam's Art Show and how it developed Pam and Michael's personal relationship.
For me, that's just classic Shea Serrano. I keep on binge-watching episodes on YouTube every time Shea says something about a specific The Office moment. He's able to articulate thoughts about The Office you never thought you have. That's why you should read CRFM. And that's why you should binge-watch The Office again. Aug 10, Cathy O'Neal rated it it was ok. I am a total nerd when it comes to The Office.
I've seen the episodes before Steve Carell left the show many. I've seen the later ones also, just not as many times. It just wasn't the same without Michael Scott. I also firmly believe that Steve Carell should really be with me. Sorry, Nancy Carell.
I discovered this ebook by reading an article in Texas Monthly magazine -- the author is a Texan known for previous books about rap and basketball.
The minute I read about I am a total nerd when it comes to The Office. The minute I read about it, I knew this collection of essays about The Office was for me. I wanted to adore it as much as I do the show. To laugh out loud. To reread it. To quote it. Unfortunately, I was disappointed.
With the exception of one chapter, the one about Pam's art show, the collection is really not so much a collection of essays, but a collection of comparisons basketball-style comparisons? Oh, and one whole chapter that is the author and his wife having an e-mail exchange about whether Jim Halpert is hot. He is, by the way. Sorry, Laramie, you're wrong.
I did chuckle a few times, to be fair. If you are also obsessed with The Office, by all means take a look. It's a quick read. It can easily be done in one sitting. There's just so much more to be said and much more minutiae to obsess over. There isn't even an essay or examination on "that's what she said. Jul 31, Sara rated it really liked it. I thought Shea Serrano added a lot of great commentary in some places, and then basically just narrated episodes I already had memorized in other sections.
Maybe part of the problem is that I know the show so well, the long recaps were redundant. Overall, though, it was very enjoyable and I would highly recommend it to any fans of The Office. Jul 23, Mark McDaniel rated it really liked it. Aug 03, Justin Hairston rated it really liked it.
As good as it is short. A heartfelt tribute to one of the most endearing television shows of all time. His ultra-plainspoken manner betrays the wit and sharpness behind everything he writes, and his meandering sentences evoke a less-burdened David Foster Wallace.
That seems like a crazy comparison to make, except that maybe it's not all that crazy at As good as it is short. That seems like a crazy comparison to make, except that maybe it's not all that crazy at all. Aug 29, Shane B rated it liked it. I love Shea Serrano and might just buy anything he writes, ever. I also love the Office. So I love that Shea Serrano wrote a book about the Office. Its a fun project. The pictures are pretty also.
And Jim Halpert is definitely hot, how could you even argue about this? Look at him??? I probably wouldn't recommend this to people who aren't familiar with Shea's style - its not his BEST work, either.
But I still had fun reading it. Jan 02, ellen seal rated it really liked it Shelves: humor. I did enjoy the essays that were more analytical or played around with more opinion based rankings and overall it was a fun read. Aug 11, Siran rated it it was amazing. Much like the show itself, I just wish it could go on and on and on Shea made me so very happy, as usual. Nerds are great. Mar 02, Bryson Shaw rated it really liked it.
When the wife is sick you get some time to read. Shea has such a unique voice and I know I will love everything he writes. His articles on grantland and the ringer are great stuff. This one was not as good as basketball and other things, but that's like saying the Warriors are not as good as the Warriors. Great to really great. Apr 26, Daniel rated it it was amazing Shelves: physical-copy.
I'm a huge fan of the Office, and a huge fan of Shea Serrano. So this rating is definitely biased. However, Serrano does a very good job of bringing back all of the nostalgia from my favorite tv comedy show.
Out of the 10 essays, only 1 had me bewildered. Essay 9, the perfect couple. Lame sauce removal on the obvious couple. Jun 14, Rachel rated it it was amazing Shelves: loved-reading , read-in Um this book is my favorite thing to have ever happened. Sep 13, Ben Schwind rated it really liked it. I just really enjoy the way Shea Serrano writes this stuff. I like the conversational language, I like the humor, I like the fun ways of analyzing things. I would just say if you ever see him writing about something you're interested in basketball, rap, movies, Scrubs you should just check it out.
Jul 23, Nick Greenwood rated it it was amazing Shelves: books. Do you like The Office? Does it matter. Just buy this. Shea is awesome. The Office is awesome. It's full of great essays about The Office. It'll make you re-watch the series to pick up on things and then you'll want to write essays about The Office.
Aug 14, Bridget Guetta rated it it was amazing. Make sure not to miss the footnotes! Nov 17, Steve rated it really liked it. Apr 02, Jjkean2 rated it it was amazing. Sep 06, Anthony Heck rated it it was amazing Shelves: perfect-mexican-writer , well-structured , pdf-perfection.
Shea is truly a gifted writer. When you read any of his work it really feels like he is sitting near you and having a conversation with you.
Its so much fun and such a good read that I highly recommend anyone that watches The Office to pick this up. Jul 23, Bay Car rated it it was amazing. Renewed Contracts. Bids Older Than May Closed Bids New Vendor Requests.
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