Publication date Usage Public Domain Mark 1. LibriVox recording of Education by Ellen G. Teaching should be varied which can make it possible for the 'high and noble powers of the mind' to have a chance to progress.
Educators of youth should be gentle and loving and have self control. Her idea of creating a Christian educational system is detailed in this book.
For more free audio books or to become a volunteer reader, visit LibriVox. The Eden School [p. The Knowledge of Good and Evil [p. Relation of Education to Redemption [p. The Education of Israel [p. The Schools of the Prophets [p. Lives of Great Men [p. The Teacher Sent from God [p. An Illustration of His Methods [p. God in Nature [p. Lessons of Life [p. Other Object Lessons [p. Mental and Spiritual Culture [p. Science and The Bible [p. Business Principles and Methods [p.
Bible Biographies [p. Poetry and Song [p. The audio of this book is available in 4 separate downloads, with file size ranging from 14mb - 25mb. If you want the highest quality version, please email me see bottom of page.
The Testimonies for the Church are the original "Testimonies" books, not the current, edited, 9-volume series. They are in "RTF" format to open easily in any word processor. PDF versions are in 9 below. There are 37 volumes in the original "Testimony for the Church" series. Nearly all of the information was put into the current, familiar, 9-volume set, but some was left out and some new things were added.
EGW eBooks. Some of Ellen G. White's Best-Known Books. Click to download in Electronic Book formats. Thought for the Day. So you may say, "The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.